Here at AmerDentalNJ, we want to help you achieve a smile that is both healthy and beautiful. If you are unhappy with your current smile because of chipped teeth; crooked teeth; gaps; old, unsightly crowns; or a gummy smile, Dr. Paladugu invite you to come in for a consultation. Excellent oral hygiene alone cannot fix these issues, which is why we offer a variety of smile-enhancing treatments, such as:- Dental Bonding
- Porcelain Dental Veneers
- Teeth Whitening
The art of improving your smile is commonly described as cosmetic dentistry, a branch of dental care that focuses primarily on the aesthetic quality of your smile. When you visit our office to treat your unwanted smile flaws, our general dentist will first meet with you to discuss your specific goals and determine which cosmetic services are best suited to your unique considerations. Next, we will perform a comprehensive smile analysis, which includes a sophisticated and detailed examination of all the attributes of the smile, including the lips, gums, and teeth. Depending on your needs and preferences, we may recommend a simple teeth whitening treatment or combine multiple services for a complete smile makeover. If your needs are more complex, we will also hand-pick a team of specialists to ensure you get the expert level care you deserve.If you are considering cosmetic dentistry in Broomfield, Colorado, or anywhere in the Kendell Park, Somerset, Franklin Park , Princeton , Monmouth Junction, Cranbury, Dayton, North brunswick, New brunswick, South Brunswick and surrounding areas of New Jersey area, we encourage you to visit AmeriDentalNJ to learn how we can help you achieve the smile you have always wanted. Call or visit us today to schedule your cosmetic consultation!